Biblical Leadership Characteristics - Christian Leadership Qualities And Characteristics

Biblical Characteristics Of A Leader, Maturity is one of the main objectives of the ministry, both corporately and personally. Paul strove for this example Eph 4: 2. Maturity is produced and grown for five main elements a) the word b) the leaders of the Church c) The care and concern that the body of Christ as a whole d) Eph 4:16 suffering and trials of life e) by the resident ministry and teaching of the Holy Spirit. The marks that define maturity are something that every Christian should strive. The marks of maturity are also identification marks and confirmation and make the Christian an example or pattern to follow.

Great Leadership. also it teaches us that maturity is a product of spirituality and consists of four key factors. Maturity involves regeneration and born again - this is the starting point, but the biblical maturity is also the result of biblical wisdom imparted by the Holy Spirit and the study of the Word. The action of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life is also necessary. We all must walk in the Spirit Gal 5:16. Finally necessarily it implies maturity time. Time to grow in walking with Jesus himself. Also at maturity conclusion it is never complete in our earthly life and become mature media become more like Christ.

Distinguish between maturity and Christian Leadership General.

It is important to distinguish between the qualities of the general direction and specific maturity and Christian leadership. This emphasizes the action of the Holy Spirit. First Christian maturity and leadership is different because of the nature of the position of the leader as a servant. Luke 22: 24-27. Christ is the only CEO and President! Secondly maturity and Christian leadership is different because of the nature of his character, for example, see the list in 1 Timothy 3: 2-7 Christian leadership is also distinguished in the source. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit. Romans 12: 6-8. Leadership is clearly a gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit and is not a matter of personality type. In fourth place and Christian leadership maturity is different in terms of their empowerment.

The Christian leader can always count on the presence and the supply of the Spirit of God. Christian leadership is also distinguished by ambition and motivation and away from corporate CEO ambitions and personal agenda. The motivation must be pure 1 Thessalonians 2: 1. Finally Christian leadership is distinctive in its authority, and that comes from Christ. The above are some of the ways in which Christian maturity and leadership are distinguished.

If they are mature Christians to give the example, the following factors must be taken into account. being first, a godly example as commanded in Scripture, we have the choice of what kind of testimony and the impact we offer, what kind of direction we take and influence others. Christian leaders should give an example of authentic Christ as life, reproduced in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Gal 5.22. Finally, the sample set should be consistent. The three main problems we face in being examples are briefly as follows: a) the difficulty in manifesting biblical character. If we get this wrong that actually repel others. This is closely related to b) the problem of bad example. Here people follow us, but the but the example is somehow wrong. The third question we c) the problem of the definition. If people can see our lives are different we need to know is that because Christians that our lives are different. This is to make us more like a powerful magnet that draws people to Christ.

What is a powerful private life?.

A powerful private life is another manifestation of maturity. We must be silent and acknowledge God in our very basic privacy. Psalm 46:10. A powerful private life can provide the foundation of our life in general. If we take the time to become God even before we can focus our mind and heart in the Lord. The reading of the Word and prayer are part of our private life powerful. If we neglect this our inner man will not be able to withstand the pressure of life in general. The private life of great inreach should be a place of focus and renewal. An ancient prayer by Cardinal Newman is interesting here, Lord, support us all the time until the shadows lengthen and the night comes and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over and our work second is performed the powerful private life should be a place of reeveolution and reordering. When we spend time with God we can find out what to discard things such as fear, anxiety, false trusted sources.

Finally, private life should be a place of support and resistance. God help us to resist and forbear. The concept of a powerful private life is also completely based on Scripture as is apparent from consideration of 1 Kings 17: 2-3 God command Elijah to go and hide in seclusion, but with God. Without the private time we become entangled by the world's concerns. Mark 1:35 - 39 also shows an example of the powerful private life, for example, removal of Christ for prayer or Mark 6: 30-32 when Christ calls his disciples to a remote location.

Discuss the biblical concept of self-image of the mature believer.

Mature believers have the ability to see themselves again according to their new life in Christ does not depend on their background, history or parenting. In other words, mature believers have a biblical concept image of his own Romans 12: 3 shows us our responsibility in this regard. Every believer must have a sense of special purpose. In addition mature believers should use appropriate standards for judging success and not look at others with jealousy, pride or feelings of inferiority or superiority. Jesus should be our measure of the image of mature believers and must realize that we are instruments of God and that what counts is fidelity to his grace and that all we have is the product of God's grace. Our standard is Jesus Christ, not men.

We have access to God's grace through faith. When we realize this should be put aside jealousy, conceit and pride. We must put aside any comparison of appearances, abilities, personalities, wealth, possessions, friends, influence, having the best car, etc Paul in prison shows a great example of the use of standards to judge the success 2 TIM4 of God: 7-8. The two major obstacles to be overcome in achieving a truly mature and biblical concept of the image are our pride and the use of man's ideas of success. Scripture supports this view 1 Corinthians 4: 3

As a mature leaders can live by faith in the biblical truths

There are several main ways that mature believers can live by faith in biblical truths. First they will act in the truth of his identity in Christ. Every Christian is a child of God by the new birth John 1: 12-13. So regardless of the opinion of man we can rest on biblical truth. Second they mature believers will rest and act on the fact of their God-given abilities and spiritual gifts Psalm 139: 1-2 shows a detailed knowledge of God in our lives. The same psalm also illustrates the third factor ie mature believers act on the fact of God's purpose for us. Ephesians 2: 10 also shows this. God has a special purpose for each of us! Mature believers also rely on the fact that the presence and the provision of Christ becomes the source of their life and ministry. This gives us the freedom to continue with our ministries. God can work through our strengths and weaknesses through our! The mature Christian will try to discover and correct their weaknesses, but also trust God if you can not correct them. These are the main ways that mature believers can live by faith in biblical truths. Scripture supports all points 1 Corinthians 4: 1 and 1Thes.2: 1.

Bonded components New Testament passages.

For Christians servitude means submission to God, then submission to the other. This responds to the real needs of others. Christ is, of course, the supreme example of this. Mature believers should have this essential servitude as shown in Scripture. There are many passages in the New Testament that illustrate various aspects of serfdom, but it may be useful to base them under the "servant's heart '. This is a list of very important for us to control and it is not easy to human nature . first we have the component of humility Philippians 2: 5-8 illustrates this. Secondly, if we are really following Jesus must be the service component.

This is shown in the New Testament passages Mark 10:45 and Luke 22:27. We must also face the reality of our own weakness and trusting the Word and the Spirit filled life full. Ephesians 5:18 shows this. Here is the component of the dedication and sacrifice as shown in Romans 12: 1, but again Jesus is the real perfect example. Another important element is to find our significance in Christ, we are complete in Him Col 2:10 - we are all children of God. We should be looking for praise or state, even when we are doing our work for Christ. Finally, we should have an eternal perspective as part of our bondage. All face the court and its "well done, good and faithful servant" if we have learned to live as a pilgrim. This is shown in 2 Corinthians 4:15 and 18 as an example of the New Testament.

Delivery and Self Sacrifice.

The delivery is considered as the only devotion of mind of Jesus who came to do the will of him that sent him out to complete the work of John 4:34. This was the result of his dedication to God in his life and his will. However, the dedication and sacrifice are treated together, since they are the root and fruit and are needed in both mature believers. The delivery is the first step. We all must surrender to God's agenda - as Jesus did. This involves subjecting our own agenda in the process.

Sacrifice - this is the fruit that follows delivery. Philippians 2: 6-8 emphasizes this. Christ is stripped of all powers and prerogatives sacrificed himself. He is the ultimate example of sacrifice. We, in turn, must put aside our own agenda and sacrifice to their agenda. What a person does with his life it depends on what your vision is about what is truly valuable and durable. then surrendering to God's agenda may mean we sacrifice our own children to be missionaries or own goals, reputation, comfort, convenience, etc. self-sacrifice: the introduction of the Lord above self and even family Matthew 10:37. These are therefore the main points of the twin concepts of dedication and sacrifice.


Self-control is an essential part of maturity. No reigns of self-abuse. To control oneself to reach every aspect of our lives we need a deeper relationship with God, as shown in 1 Thessalonians. 4: 1-12 or more concisely in 1 Thessalonians 4: 7 "For God has not called us to impurity but to holiness." Basically self-control is the ability to govern or regulate personal life so that we are not driven or dominated by desires of the flesh, the lust of the eyes or The pride of life 1 John 2:16. However, a very important point here is that self-control in Scripture is to be the product of one's own faith relationship with God and not a matter of self-righteous self-denial or asceticism. Galatians 5:22 shows that it is a fruit of the Spirit. There are several aspects to control himself as enkrateia, sophronismos and nepho but the essence of self is the growing manifestation of the holy qualities and character of the Lord Jesus as Christians seek to exchange their old lives for the new. The average of this is a loaded word and the Spirit filled life.

Finally it must be noted perhaps some of the biblical grounds for self-control. We have the instructive nature of salvation by God; s grace - this motivates us to live a godly life as expected and the Lord help us to reject ungodliness Titus 2: 11-14. Then there is hope to believers who live as children of God regenerated best illustrated in 1 Peter 1:13. Thirdly we have what we might call 'the law of the harvest' - you reap what we have sown. This is illustrated by Galatians 6: 7-9. The three main resources for change and self-control are: 1) Life changing nature of the union of believers in Christ - saved from sin - their grief and Romans to June 2) The Ministry of enabling the abode of the Spirit Galatians may 3) transformation of ministry of Word Romans 12: 1-2 One final thought 2 Peter 2:19 we become slaves to what we do not control what at that point can not be full of Christ servers.

Biblical Characteristics Of A Christian Leader

Biblical references First could say that there are certain practical advantages of team work in Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12. It is better not to be alone in life or ministry. Being on a team that people have to provide objectivity, courage, dogmatism temperament, gain new opinion. Jesus also uses teamwork with the disciples. In addition we also need material support because we are weak Gal. 6: 1-2 is a good example of why teamwork is vital "carry one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" We can call this weakness overcome below is the protection also need mutual support, as they are vulnerable and aggressors as the Devil, our own nature and the world system Even Paul asked for this work in Ephesians 6 team... 18 to 20 and also 1 Thessalonians 5: 11-14. "Therefore encourage one another ...." Another aspect of teamwork is delegation.

Leadership Qualities List - Biblical Leadership Characteristics. There are some very clear examples of this in Scripture. In Exodus 18: 1-27 Jethro's advice to Moses is a clear example of the benefits of teamwork through the delegation. Perhaps the most famous we Acts 6: 1-7 with the selection of deacons to help. Therefore teamwork can be used to prevent wear, presumption or things that hinder our effectiveness in ministry. Even acting on the principle of teamwork has the advantage that we recognize that God has given us different part of a ministry team and we are encouraged in our main responsibilities God gave way. These are just some of the benefits of teamwork and illustrated as revealed in Scripture, Christian Leadership Qualities And Characteristics.


  1. Romams 12 :6-8 does NOT list leadership as a gift. It lists- speaking Gods message. Serving. Teaching. Encouraging others.

  2. Engaging talented employees in leadership courses pays a lot during talent management plans and helps in succession planning.


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